We carry a wide range of regeants for testing and experimentation purposes.
We offer software solutions that _______ to help you ________.
Imalytics Preclinical

Imalytics Preclinical is a leading cloud software for analysis and quantification of volumetric data sets obtained from preclinical micro-CT, SPECT-CT, PET-CT or MRI systems.

Volocity® is 3D image analysis software for confocal microscopy, widefield and high content screening imaging systems.

Imaging Systems and Cameras
Our imaging systems and cameras help you to ____________ by ____________. [Accomplish] _________ with and __________ {benefit}
Anesthesia Systems and Accessories

MediLumine’s Anesthesia Systems have been designed to maximize safety for operator and reduce stress of animal short and long periods of anesthesia.
Imaging Phantoms

Phantoms are used to ____________ in order to ____________.
Rodent Restrainers and Irradiators